From January to March 2022, the National Assembly Research Service (NARS) held its monthly forum ‘NARS Perspectives and Discussion’.
This forum invites authorities in various fields for the purpose of facilitating expert discussion to promptly identify and approach critical issues that could affect state affairs and the country’s future. After each issue-focused presentation, forum-style discussions are held with experts at NARS in order to derive germane legislative and policy implications.
Each forum is moderated by the Chief of National Assembly Research Service and includes presentation from a top expert plus designated discussion from a relevant expert and a NARS legislative research officer.
The thirteenth forum was held on Wednesday, January 26th under the theme “South Korea’s 20th Presidential Election and Generational Tasks.” Kim Nam-kook (Former President of the Korean Political Science Association) was invited as a speaker and Lee Jeong-jin (Legislative Research Officer of NARS Political and Parliamentary Affairs Team) took part as designated discussion panelist. The forum sought to identify various conflict factors which have worsen the social polarization in Korea, reflect on generational tasks being requested of South Korea’s 20th president, and discuss national vision in the context of a post-COVID-19 pandemic era. Participants to the forum investigated ways to solve the problem of social and national integration.
The fourteenth forum was held on Wednesday, March 23rd under the theme “The Future of Industry, Industry of the Future.” Seok Jong-hoon (COO/Partner, Operation & Human Acceleration Group Lead of Future Play) was invited as a speaker and Park Jae-young (Legislative Research Officer of NARS Industry, Resources, Agriculture and Fisheries Team) took part as designated discussion panelist. The forum sought to discuss specific paths for industries to pursue in the context of the diverse changes and how to find solutions for expected social problems.
The fifteenth forum was held on Wednesday, March 30th under the theme “Changes and Conflicts in Our Society, What Would Be the Role of the Media?: Co-existence of Legacy Media and New Media and Argument over the Recovery of the Media.” Rhee June-woong (Professor of Department of Press Information at Seoul National University, forthcoming President of the Korean Society for Journalism & Communication Studies) was invited as a speaker and Kim Yeo-ra (Legislative Research Officer of NARS Science, Media & Telecommunications Team) took part as designated discussion panelist. The forum concentrated on environmental changes toward coexistence of legacy media and new media and Korean social conflicts, sought for ways to redefine the role of the media, discussed how the media plays a role in elections and the shaping of public opinion, and discussed how traditional media can earn trust while the influence of independent media has been strengthening.
‘NARS Perspectives and Discussion’ are aired on National Assembly Broadcasting (NATV). For more information, please visit our NARS SNS and YouTube channel.