On Tuesday and Wednesday, June 14 to 15, Chief of NARS Kim Man-heum made visits to the Korea Land & Housing Corporation (LH) and Korea Aerospace Industries., Ltd. (KAI), respectively.
After listening to LH’s innovation plan—which has been pushed forward since last year—and the new administration’s government work plan, Chief Kim discussed the future role of LH. LH first reported the current status of its ongoing projects such as the housing sites and new town formation project, urban regeneration and renewal project, and public housing construction and supply project, and then explained its efforts in preventing recurrence of real estate speculation and restoring public trust by implementing its innovation tasks and the government’s innovative measures for the corporation. With regard to its future role, all the participants shared the idea that it is necessary for LH to commit itself to implementing its duties, such as those related to expansion of housing supply, strengthening housing welfare, balanced regional development, and so forth.
On Wednesday, June 15, Chief Kim visited KAI, one of the representative aerospace companies in Korea. KAI has been taking a leading role in manufacturing, exporting, and developing aircrafts and pushing ahead with new future technology-based projects including air mobility, among others. Under the theme “Progress Update on AAV Development and its Development Plan,” one presenter outlined the advanced air mobility (AAM) market trend and characteristics of advanced air vehicles (AAV), while discussants then exchanged perspectives on ways to develop the AAM industry.
NARS Delegates headed by Kim Man-heum identified AAM’s potential to become a new growth industry and current state of aerospace industry of our country as they explored its production sites where fixed and rotary wing aircrafts, simulators, and satellites are being developed.
It is expected that the visit by NARS members to the two organizations will serve as an opportunity to enhance our understanding on the nation’s housing and welfare policy for its people as well as the country’s aerospace industry. The information and discussions from the trip are expected to serve as important reference points for the national assembly’s legislative activities including the provision of objective information to lawmakers and the drafting of related reports.
*AAM (Advanced Air Mobility): is an air transportation system that encompasses the concept of UAM (Urban Air Mobility) allowing aviation mobility between congested urban areas and regional hubs.
* AAV (Advanced Air Vehicle): future-oriented flight vehicles, possible for long flight enabled by automation and hybrid electric propulsion