On October 15, 2024, the National Assembly Research Services (NARS) held the 13th International Seminar for Parliamentary Research Services. Established in 2007, the NARS is one of the representative parliamentary research services and has hosted an annual international seminar since 2010.
Delegates from 21 countries, including the European Parliament, the Congressional Research Service (CRS) from the United States, the United Kingdom, Indonesia, and Korea joined the seminar and shared their experiences and knowledge on issues such as political polarization and legislative impact analysis systems.
The seminar consisted of three sessions. The first and the second sessions discussed issues pertaining to the sessions’ theme, Political Polarization and the Roles of Parliamentary Research Services. Speakers from 12 countries gave presentations, including Ander Rasmussen, the Director-general of the European Parliament Research Service (EPRS). Many compared and analyzed the global phenomenon of political polarization, which threatens the parliamentary system, and discussed the roles of parliamentary research services, for which productive dialogue and debate are prerequisites.
During the third session, Globalization of Legislative Impact Analysis, delegates from nine countries made presentations, including Sharmila Choudhury, Assistant Director of the Domestic and Social Policy Division of the US Congressional Research Service (CRS). Based on its accumulated research knowledge and results over the past years, the NARS gave a presentation on the “K-Legislative Impact Analysis Model”—an objective and scientific method for predicting and analyzing the impact of legislative bills proposed by members of the National Assembly.
Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Lee Hack Young attended the opening ceremony and welcomed the parliamentary research service professionals from various continents, including Asia, Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and the Americas. Joo Ho Young, another Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, joined the dinner with the participants to share the latest news and enhance the cooperative network.
In his remarks, former NARS chief and host of the event Park Sang Chul mentioned that, like last year, this year’s seminar saw the participation of delegates from more than 20 countries, and that his expectation for highly productive and thorough discussions regarding advanced legislative processes was met.