글자 확대 기본 글자크기 글자 축소

Domestic and International Activities

MOUs with Domestic and International Institutions

Forging network via cooperation with parliamentary research services and related institutions at home and abroad

[ List of MOUs with International Research Services ]

  • Nov 19, 2009 National Diet Library, Japan
  • Dec   7, 2010 Cabinet of the National Assembly of the Lao PDR
  • Dec   7, 2010 Institute for Legislative Studies of the National Assembly Standing Committee of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
  • Mar 30, 2011 Secretariat General of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Cambodia
  • May 28, 2013 Institute for Monitoring of Current Legislation Under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Feb 22, 2018 The Legislation and Parliamentary Research Institute of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Jul     1, 2019 Chinese Academy of Social Studies
  • Sep 23, 2019 European Parliamentary Research Service
  • Dec 10, 2021 United Nations Research Institute for Social Development(UNRISD)
  • May 13, 2022 Parliamentary Research and Training Institute of the State Great Hural of Mongolia
  • May    9, 2024 American Chamber of Commerce in Korea (AMCHAM Korea)

[ List of MOUs with Domestic Institutions ]

  • Apr 25, 2012 The Korean Institute of Legislative Studies
  • Nov 5, 2015 National Research Foundation of Korea
  • Oct 26, 2017 Judicial Policy Research Institute
  • Dec 11, 2017 Korean Institute of Criminology
  • Apr 26, 2018 National Assembly Library and Statistics Korea
  • Nov 28, 2018 Korea Social Science Data Archive
  • May 28, 2019 Korean Bar Association
  • May 6, 2020 Korea Legislation Research Institute
  • May 27, 2021 Chungcheongnam-do Council
  • Sept 30, 2021 Incheon Metropolitan Council
  • May 27, 2022 Daejeon Metropolitan Council
  • Jun 1, 2023 Jeollanam-do Provincial Government
  • July 27, 2023 Jeollanam-do Office of Education
  • Aug 31, 2023 Gyeongsangbuk-do Provincial Government
  • Sept 1, 2023 National Health Insurance Service
  • Sept 13, 2023 Gyeongsangbuk-do Office of Education
  • Dec 12, 2023 Korean Bar Association (supplementary agreement)
  • Feb 8, 2024 Sogang University Web3.0 Technology Research Center
  • May 30, 2024 Soongsil University
  • June 25, 2024 Korea Listed Companies Association