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NARS Research Report Exhibition ( Regional Extinction )


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1. Local Financial Support Plan to Revitalize Opportunity and Development Zones(ODZ) (2024.06.28.)

2. Re-emergence of the Discussions on Local Administrative System Reform (2024.06.24.)

3. Special Fiscal Measures for the Success of Special Self-Governing City and Special Self-Governing Province (2024.04.17.)

4. In the Era of Population Decline, Issues in the Establishment of a Ministry Dedicated to Population and its Challenges (2024.04.16.)

5. Current Status of the De Facto Population System Introduced as a Response to Rural Area Extinction and its Challenges (2024.03.11.)

6. Investment from Local Extinction response Fund to Regional Revitalization Investment Fund: Related Issues and Challenges (2024.02.29.)

7. NARS Series of Meetings to Strengthen Local Finance Capcity in the Era of Local Extinction Successfully Ended (2024.02.13.)

8. Customized Self-governance Model, Current Status of Launching Special Self-Governing Cities and Provinces and its Challenges (2024.01.17.)

9. Demographic Changes by Birth Rate and Migration Rate for Timely Response to Population Decline (2023-2123) (2023.12.29.)

10. Current Status and Implications of Acknowledgment in Japan’s Hometown Tax (2023.11.30.)

11. Current Status of Local Fiscal Adjustment System on the Local Governmental Level and its Future Tasks: Focusing on Exchequer Equalization Grants (2023.11.22.)

12. Measures to Strengthen Autonomous Legislative Rights for the Realization of the Region-centeric Era (2023.10.24.)

13. Measures to Strengthen Local Educational Autonomy in the Era of Extinction of Rural Communities (2023.09.19.)

14. Tasks to Improve Transparency and Autonomy in the Special Account for the Balanced Regional Development (2023.09.13.)

15. Gyeongsangbuk-do Regional Debate to Respond to Extinction of Rural Communities (2023.09.04.)

16. Regional Industrial Policy Tasks for Mitigation of Local Communities Extinction (2023.08.21.)

17. Measures to Strengthen Regional-Centered Educational Autonomy in the Era of Extinction of Rural Communities (2023.08.02.)

18. Extinction Theory of Rural Communities and Rural Policy: The Discrepancy Between Reality and Policy Design (2023.07.25.)

19. The Meaning and Challenges of the Introduction of Special Opportunity Development Zones (2023.07.19.)

20. The Extinction of Local Communities Crisis and Strategy on Youth Employment - Consecutive Discussions to respond to Extinction of Local Communities (2023.07.11.)

21. Current Status of Island Area Management and its Future Tasks (2023.05.22.)

22. The Implementation of ‘the Special Act on Support for Population Declining Areas’ and its Future Tasks (2023.02.16.)

23. Current status of support for local universities by local governments and its future tasks (2022.12.21.)

24. Meaning of ‘living population’ as a new concept of population and its future tasks (2022.11.17.)

25. Introduction of local extinction response fund and its future tasks: Mid- to long-term policy and base strategies (2022.06.30.)

26. Major policy responses to changes in farmhouse population structure and its future tasks : Focusing on the response to the farm labour shortage and the crisis of rural extinction (2022.06.29.)

27. Current status of pan-regional cooperation for balanced national development and future tasks (2022.05.12.)

28. Major Content and Implications of the ‘Act on the Hometown Donation System’ (2022.02.28.)

29. Current Status of Regions Facing Local Extinction Crisis and Future Tasks (2021.10.19.)

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