연구 보고서-상세화면
한국 입법영향분석의 세계화 -더 좋은 법률을 만드는 필요적 절차-
Part 1. 입법영향분석, 더 좋은 법률을 만드는 필요적 절차
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 입법영향분석의 개요
1. 개념 및 유형
2. 필요성
3. 주요 국가의 입법영향분석
Ⅲ. 국회의 입법영향분석 도입
1. 배경
2. 국회법 개정 추진
3. 국회입법조사처의 입법영향분석사업단 설치·운영
Ⅳ. 입법영향분석 경험과 지식의 국제적 공유
1. 유엔개발계획(UNDP)과의 협력
2. 의회조사기구 국제세미나
Ⅴ. 결론
Part 2. Legislative Impact Analysis in the National Assembly of Korea
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Overview of LIA
1. Definition
2. Similar but Distinct Procedures
3. Necessity
4. LIA in Other Countries
Ⅲ. LIA in the National Assembly of Korea
1. Backgrounds
2. Attempting to Amend the National Assembly Act
3. NARS LIA Task Force Team
Ⅳ. Sharing the LIA Experiences with Other Countries
Ⅴ. Conclusion
Part 3. [Example of LIA Report] Legislative Impact Analysis of Amendment on The Housing Act (Bill No. 2115198)
□ Executive Summary
Ⅰ. Subject of Analysis
1. Legislative background and purpose
2. Content of Analysis
Ⅱ. Legislative Impact Analysis
1. Key Impact Analysis: Impact analysis on prevention of poor construction
2. Impact Analysis by Field
A. Political and Administrative Impact Analysis
B. Economic and Industrial Impact Analysis
C. Social and Cultural Impact Analysis
3. Cost & Benefit Analysis
Ⅲ. Stakeholder and Expert Opinions
1. Target Audience
2. Opinions
Ⅳ. Similar Cases
Ⅴ. Ex-Post Analysis Proposal
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 입법영향분석의 개요
1. 개념 및 유형
2. 필요성
3. 주요 국가의 입법영향분석
Ⅲ. 국회의 입법영향분석 도입
1. 배경
2. 국회법 개정 추진
3. 국회입법조사처의 입법영향분석사업단 설치·운영
Ⅳ. 입법영향분석 경험과 지식의 국제적 공유
1. 유엔개발계획(UNDP)과의 협력
2. 의회조사기구 국제세미나
Ⅴ. 결론
Part 2. Legislative Impact Analysis in the National Assembly of Korea
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Overview of LIA
1. Definition
2. Similar but Distinct Procedures
3. Necessity
4. LIA in Other Countries
Ⅲ. LIA in the National Assembly of Korea
1. Backgrounds
2. Attempting to Amend the National Assembly Act
3. NARS LIA Task Force Team
Ⅳ. Sharing the LIA Experiences with Other Countries
Ⅴ. Conclusion
Part 3. [Example of LIA Report] Legislative Impact Analysis of Amendment on The Housing Act (Bill No. 2115198)
□ Executive Summary
Ⅰ. Subject of Analysis
1. Legislative background and purpose
2. Content of Analysis
Ⅱ. Legislative Impact Analysis
1. Key Impact Analysis: Impact analysis on prevention of poor construction
2. Impact Analysis by Field
A. Political and Administrative Impact Analysis
B. Economic and Industrial Impact Analysis
C. Social and Cultural Impact Analysis
3. Cost & Benefit Analysis
Ⅲ. Stakeholder and Expert Opinions
1. Target Audience
2. Opinions
Ⅳ. Similar Cases
Ⅴ. Ex-Post Analysis Proposal